The nearest airports are Toulouse (90km, 1 hour 15 mins drive) or Bergerac (70km 1 hour 15 mins drive). These airports are serviced by the main budget airlines such as Ryanair and Easy Jet.
These airports are, at this time, both still in operation for flights to and fro the UK but in the present climate please be aware that this could change so be sure to make suitable provision should your flights be subject to change or cancellation.
We advise all UK guests to check the UK Government travel and health regulations website especially as regards passports, health and driving in Europe.
We are situated in a rural area and a car is essential.
Please click on the links below for more information:
We can provide details of the routes from either Toulouse or Bergerac Airports to Laborde Neuve upon request.
For those wishing to drive direct from the UK, we are approximately a 9 hour drive from Calais/Channel Tunnel.
GPS Co-ordinates:
- N 44.31423
- E 1.18156